
Anti Hero ''Cow'' (1998)

Second Anti Hero 's misdemeanor, after '' Fucktards '' released in 1997. It was already original and creative for a skateboard video at the time, for its crazy in-your-face & don't give a fuck attitude, along with some almost arty parts. '' Cow '' is mostly done to hurt your eyes and remind us what skateboarding really means : a mix of savagery, vandalism, excessive risk taking, full speed, punk attitude, and mostly a whole lot of fun ! What surprises me is that it must probably be one of the most important skateboard videos from this era, but is barely mentioned in magazines, and was never re-released in DVD. Only the original VHS from more than 20 years ago can be found (for big money obviously), because in the end the whole industry prefers to ignore Anti Hero. I would say it has a lot to do with their antisocial, could-not-care-less and marginal attitude, even if famous skateboarders such as Bob Burnquist or John Cardiel got ex...

Femmes De Sade - Shaun Costello (1976)

A guy is getting out of jail and his girlfriend (ABIGAIL CLAYTON) is waiting for him. He jumps in the car but a giant psycho with a grey stache, a big scar on the face and crazy eyes, is staring at them. He then asks if they can take him to downtown San Francisco. After a brief moment, this man (called Rocky de Sade and played by KEN TURNER) gets in the car. T he couple leaves Rocky somewhere in the streets, park the car and go home to enjoy a romantic moment. During an intense fuck, Rocky comes back and beats the shit out of the man, smashes his head, and starts molesting the girl. This scene is what I like to call pretty intense: you can witness a coke bottle ass rape, creepy sex scene between de Sade and the woman, and a good amount of violence. I think I get how he ended up in the joint, but now Rocky’s free and he’s gonna take his favorite occupation back: abusing hookers, just for kicks! Hanging out in the sleazy streets of SF, stalking casually, Rocky finally finds ...

"Fuck 'Em All" : L'ascension psychotique des Geto Boys

Tas Tappas disait : ''Il y a trois versions pour chaque histoire : ma version, ta version, et la vérité ''. Mais que croire quand l'histoire est narrée par des personnages instables, aux personnalités parfois multiples ? C'est la question que l'on peut légitimement se poser dès que l'on entend des anecdotes sur les Geto Boys circuler lors de documentaires ou interviews. Des on-dit tellement incroyables que lorsque que l'on se décide enfin à s'attarder sur le groupe de Houston, on s'aperçoit qu'elles n'étaient que banales et perdues au milieu d'un monstre fait de plus de quinze années de violence, de coups de feu, de liasses de billets verts, de sexe, de paranoïa, d'ennuis judiciaires et de troubles mentaux. Rien n'est considéré comme impensable quand on parle de la réalité du groupe le plus excitant que le hip hop n'ait jamais connu. Par où commencer ? Pour mieux comprendre les origines, faisons un bond en ar...

Stephen Bessac / Kickback (interview) part 2

First published in Neons Fanzine #3 (split with Shocktilt) Read part 1 How did you dive into the underground scene in the 90s ? Peter Sotos, Whitehouse, power electronics, ... Opening yourself to filthiest and more immoral spheres I discovered Peter Sotos through Apocalypse Culture, like many others and then by getting my hands on xeroxes of PURE as fast as I could after reading that interview. PURE was exactly what I wanted. No apologies. Just pure unadulterated lust. I was already fully aware of what I was looking for in many things. That’s also why the work of Peter Sotos had such a resonance for me at the time. It was way more honest and dangerous than most of what was passing for extreme at the time. I discovered WHITEHOUSE and countless Industrial / Power Electronics /Noise acts around the same time, through a friend of mine. He turned me to the genre, knowing my tastes. The ''musical'' side of it was brand new to my ears, but the covers, the packaging, ...