Stephen Bessac / Kickback (interview) part 2

did you dive into the underground scene in the 90s ? Peter Sotos,
Whitehouse, power electronics, ... Opening yourself to filthiest and
more immoral spheres
discovered Peter Sotos through Apocalypse Culture, like many others
and then by getting my hands on xeroxes of PURE as fast as I could
after reading that interview. PURE was exactly what I wanted. No
apologies. Just pure unadulterated lust. I was already fully aware of
what I was looking for in many things. That’s also why the work of
Peter Sotos had such a resonance for me at the time. It was way more
honest and dangerous than most of what was passing for extreme at the
time. I discovered WHITEHOUSE and countless Industrial / Power
Electronics /Noise acts around the same time, through a friend of
mine. He turned me to the genre, knowing my tastes. The ''musical''
side of it was brand new to my ears, but the covers, the packaging,
the song titles, the subjects matter and the uncompromising delivery
were what immediately drew me in. Seeing a culture embracing
Satanism, Serial Killers, Sexual Fetishism etc, with what seemed like
a honest and prurient angle, sparked an instant interest. I had a few
selected allies with whom we were sharing tastes and visions, and we
were digging everywhere (literally!)
you could find everything you were searching for in Paris ?
had huge video stores back in these days (we are talking late 80’s/
early 90’s) that we were skimming through. Medical bookshops, porn
stores... The rewards were there if you knew where and what to look
for. I was curious and very selective, getting my hands on everything
I could. There was no internet, most of the infos would come by word
of mouth, reading zines and interviews, where people would name drop
some interesting projects. A lot of underground sources overseas were
catering to our needs. Aes Nihil was one of them, with a huge list of
documentaries, dub of tv shows etc. The Centre For The Academic Study
Of Extremes In Human Experience was another weird mail order archive,
you would send them a few dollars and pick some subjects through a
huge list of deviancies, perversions, paraphilias etc, and they would
send you files about it. The Amok catalog was pretty amazing too, so
was the Loompanics one, with it’s wide range of ''how to'' books
that came quite handy for different activities I won’t mention here

bet the impact of fanzines at the time was really important,
especially for people like you, in constant need of weirdness to feed
your curiosity. And it seems like it was a quality era as well...
of zines were coming out at that time, really a lot... here’s a few
from the top of my head : BOILED ANGEL was pretty representative of
the sprit of this era, it was a mix of art / poetry/ collage /
stories... It featured a lot of contributors from different
backgrounds... Interview with GJ Schaefer, Ottis Toole .. it was very
oriented anti-religion and Mike Diana’s blasphemous drawing ended
up costing him quite some legal problems. Mike’s friend Steve
Sanborn, had a shirt printing company called SM Graphics... Shirts of
Mass Murderers, Bondage etc... The cover of their catalog boasted ‘My
Fun Is Sick! HEADPRESS was always a very interesting read,
selftitled the journal of sex, religion and death. Well written
articles with people who knew their subjects and they were tackling
very interesting ones indeed, like articles on Animal Farm (
Videorama bestiality compilation that was quite infamous in the tape
trading circles) and so on... DIVINITY was done by the same editor,
David Flint, and was more sex-oriented. Always had a soft spot for
the Full Force Frank zines (SINGIN’ DOSE ANTI PSYCHOTIC BLUES /
there wasn’t much from him in terms of articles etc, (it was mostly
just random collage of news clippings and random insanities) his
personality was stamped all over the pages. From his foot fetish to
his obsession with mass murder/ serial killings and of course his
claim that he was going to commit one... Publishing recipe on how to
commit the perfect massacre etc... I had the chance to get my hands
on an original audio tape of him that he recorded for a French radio
? What was he ranting about this time ? How did it end up on a french
station ?
an amazing recording where he rants and raves as he usually does
about how he will act on his murder fantasies, talking about how he
was abused as a kid by his parents, his mom giving him bath even as
he was a teen and forcing him to stand still with shampoo going in
his eyes and how now he is blind in one eye because of that ! There’s
a plan of releasing it as a limited cd-r with a booklet compiling
some of FFF's material. THE NECROEROTIC looked pretty amateurish and
poorly made but had the redeeming quality to deal with necrophilia
and exclusively necrophilia. It had access to quiet some private
material, sent by fellow paraphiliacs and mortuary employees... For
once the guy seemed really into it, so that's always a plus ! Randall
Philip's FUCK was pretty .. well...fucked up ! Very vile and in your
face, very graphic ... it seems he was trying his best to be the most
offensive he could. Crude layout, lots of gory color pics of dead
babies, retards... He made a video compilation too called Terror
Tape. Back in the days, it was pretty common to make your own private
films and selling them. Short fiction films or demented mix of
private home movies... I had quite a few, it was great to get into
the life of those that were making those zines, and I always popped
those tapes with some kind of excitement. … Some of them made it to
the excellent AFFLICTION by Mark Hejnar, a must have
anyone into that kind of stuff. Lots of video mixtapes were
circulating actually... There is one called 'Mariah Was Here' . I
think it was made by Yves Pierog but I am not sure... I remember it
included the infamous footage of Teemu Mäki , a Finnish artist,
killing a cat then masturbating on his severed head. It also had
footage from FACCIA DI SPIA, some scene from a French scat film
called Caca Boudin where a girl is fully covered in horse shit and a
great soundtrack by Michael Nyman ... truly a piece of art ! You
could find some of them through underground purveyors of filth like
SHOCKING VIDEO / REVENGE IS MY DESTINY or the from the late Andy Copp
etc... Those people where the only way to get your hands on these
treasures, I am eternally grateful to those video mail-order and the
fine gentlemen behind them …
I digress, I digress ... MALEFACT by the late Tom Crites was a
compendium of deviant art from all over the world. Lots of perverted
and degenerate drawings. SLEAZOID EXPRESS and METASEX are absolute
favorite of mine. It's exactly what a great zine should be. The
subject being totally transcended by the personality of the writer.
They're very hard to find nowadays but the book is easily available
HAELTER SKELTER from Alessandro Papa is definitely recommended. So is
SEWER CUNT (Jan Bruun). I especially enjoyed the Manheim Jerkoff
recommendation of extreme porn filth. The guy was responsible for
SEPSIS. PANIK another good one from the US, from the same crew behind
Bounty Hunter clothing. EXIT of course... ANSWER ME... ESOTERRA, OHM
CLOCK, COMPULSION... Many Satanic publication / leaflets / booklets
floating around too... THE BLACK FLAME, WEREWOLF ORDER... It would
need a whole article on this subject alone ! FACTSHEET FIVE while not
focused on the extreme side, had countless reviews of zines and
digging through it could be quite helpful. You had the NAMBLA
BULLETIN, GAYME and other related publications for the more
adventurous of us. The Industrial scene had a great deal of amazing
material, Kristian Olsson is the perfect one to talk to about it.
Marco Corbelli from Atrax Morgue's MURDERS comes to mind... the
SLAUGHTER PRODS catalog had great perverted contents too. COME ORG
files and videos... KATA... AQUILIFER SODALITY ... Trevor Brown / R&D
Group 28 (APOCALYPSO A GO-GO, NECRO PORNO ). The stuff that was
coming out of Japan are some my favorites, although I got most them
later on than in the 90s due the great difficulty to obtain stuff
from the Land of the Rising Sun pre-internet days. ULTRA NEGATIVE,
TOO NEGATIVE, SEIKIMATSU CLUB... same, it would need a whole chapter
to explore the whole 80’s Japanese Bizarre magazines scene. BRUNO
RICHARD’S stuff was incredible too. I am only just touching on the
subject really. There used to be publications for almost all tastes.
This list is far from being exhaustive, it's mostly the ones I got my
hands on, or from the people I was corresponding with at the time. I
still collect them and discover new stuff all the time. An index of
some sort would be great, a book would be amazing. The subject really
deserves it. Especially due to the fact that if not totally
impossible to find nowadays, most are very expensive when you're
lucky to stumble upon them. But anyway, it was a very exciting time,
I was absorbing all those informations, creating my own philosophy,
my own Weltanschauung. Those years were decisive in many ways. They
made me who I am today. Many deeds from that era will remain
confidential and that is for the best, but it was the turning point
of many things for me. The start of an endless and obsessive quest
that lead me on various paths, some of which I still tread to this

is this picture where we can see you gravedigging, in Paris I guess.
How and when did it happen? Was it for the rush, the fun, the macabre
many reasons, I won't get into details, the picture being pretty
explicit. Anyway, you can guess what is going on, but I will leave to
how, where, and why to people's imagination. One of my close
acquaintance was a dedicated Satanist, one of the real kind,
following a real dark path, an uncompromising one. Our association
resulted in many ventures. Let’s put it this way : it was a time of
experimentation and rituals were performed. I was building a
philosophy, and actions were needed to enforce these beliefs. I was
already aware of what I was looking for, whether it was in music or
elsewhere, the so-called transgressive culture really interested me
insofar it was dealing with subjects I was fascinated/obsessed with.
Some were actors, some were spectators, some needed to get their
hands dirty more than others... Teenage death-lust... Fucking life in
the gallbladder!
KICKBACK, as time went on, we could more and more easily identify
your personnal touch. All the influences we were talking about, from
Whitehouse to Sotos or Jamie Gillis, Sade, FFF... And musically, you
were getting away from this New York Hardcore clichés to evolve in a
more complex sound, mixing black metal, post hardcore or noise on NoSurrender and Le Diable Rit Avec Nous...
you see, the external influences you are talking about were there,
but yes, less present in the band. It's hard to explain because
everything has been there for a long time. For way longer before I
even started the band obviously. And It took quite some time actually
to finally make a coherent apparition. When we started we were trying
to be a NYHC clone. I chose to play this kind of music because it’was
what I wanted to play at that time. Violent Metallic Hardcore. I was
a hateful teen and it was a perfect outlet for my inner turmoil. But
straight from the beginning I kinda realized I was limited in my writing lyrics for example. That's why most of the
lyrics from the first era (demo / ep and first album) were pretty
simple and expected. I thought it had to fit the music and I did not
feel the need to do otherwise. It’s kinda like a ''genre film'' you
know, you have to respect some kind of rules. Some bands manage to do
differently and it works perfectly, I have many examples in mind, but
as far as I am concerned I needed the right elements to be in place.
I still managed to write a song called Streetcleaner though, where I
sang about cummin' on a bloody face, and a Full Force Frank sample on
the EP, I guess I could not help myself. I was taking it easy and not
going all out like I could have and like I did later on. Controlled
burning. Looking back, a lot was there from the start actually,
although not in plain sight, hidden in the dark and lurking, growing,
ready to give birth to the ugly beast it later evolved into. I will
skip CORNERED, since for me it's the worst. There’are many
different reasons but l won’t go into all the details here. Let's
say that I was listening to lot of extreme music at that time, like I
always did and that record wasn't representing at all what I was
into, and what I wanted to do. It was a step backwards. I don't like
this record. I never did. FOREVER WAR was a different story, A new
line up and a common understanding of what we should sound like, a
darker violent sound, more thoughtful and introspective lyrics, Full
Force Frank again, Green River Killer pics, the Dark Ambient outro...
We were slowly but surely getting there ! By the third, 150 PASSIONSMEURTIERES, I was getting more and more tired of almost everything,
the HC scene I never cared about, we always were a breed apart, but
it was finally time to break the last remaining shackles we were
carrying for too long already. So It was kind of a fuck-you-goodnight
to all... It came in the form of an Hommage to the Great Marquis (who
else for this task), featuring an offensive Gillis sample, a song
called Right To Kill which was a medley of my favorite Whitehouse
lyrics, cut up style. It was a mix of wanting to piss people off, and
a mix of 'look here's who I am, what I like, so now, leave me the
fuck alone !' The repercussion alienated us from the most PC part of
the scene, got us banned from playing in many
places, distribution deal cancelled, the juridic part of our label
claiming it could end up in alawsuit because of violation of human
dignity... Good ! I couldn't care less really. This record still gets
us in trouble to this day. What a joke ! I won't say that everybody
in the band was applauding what I was doing, but the band was my
baby, and I have always been in control of the artistic direction
so... The boat sinks, rats leave first. Crybabies left, we were down
to a duo. Pascal and me. It was us against the world, more than ever.
ten years of nothing, not wanting to break up, trying to find the
perfect band members. Fed up with all the clones, the fakes, the
impostors... But knowing that the best/worst was yet to come, that we
had to make what we really had in mind come to life, something that
represents us in a more realistic way. And the final line up came to
life, the Trident. Damien being the missing piece we needed. The
perfect weapon for the last mission. Pascal being there from the
start and being someone who rather hates cliche, it was a welcome for
him to finally have someone to work with who was talented, smart and
would share the same unyielding attitude. It was the opportunity we
were waiting to take the band in the uncharted territories we now
know about. Unfortunately a little bit too late I would say, but it
allowed us to make the two best albums of the band, and the only ones
that matters as far I am concerned. NO SURRENDER is a masterpiece.
This record gives me a hard on. I have been waiting for this since
day one. It's the perfect Kickback record and crushes all the
previous releases. Period ! LE DIABLE RIT AVEC NOUS could have been
better. It's kind of a weird record but it was done in a weird way,
with me being away and everything... But don't get me wrong, it is
still a great record that just demanded more work. For the final
nail, The setting was perfect. The pleasure and honor to have Pierre
of Akitsa and Kristian Olsson / Alfarmania on there... Mike Cheese of
Gehenna too. Despite what a lot will say, that’s what Kickback was
meant to be and should have been from the start. I skipped many
things of course but maybe it will help seing things a little bit
clearer. A lot has to do with what was going on in my life at the
time also, I grew up with the band by my side, so of course all of
this was bound to happen, it had to leak one way or another on the
band. Which it did, all through our history and also many times more
than I would have liked haha.... With time and the perfect settings,
elements kinda blurred together naturally. That made things way more
interesting to say the least. You have to understand that my
priorities were elsewhere anyway. I always considered the band to be
a small percentage of me, it was mostly a tool I used. In different
manners through the years. It doesn't define me as much as people
think. Even with the last 2 albums that reveal a lot more about me,
it's still only a few facets of the prism. I know what I am doing,
but there is also a big part of experimentation. I had to keep the
whole thing exciting .There always was a chaotic and uncontrollable
spontaneity to the band, the live shows are a great exemple of that.
I can put what I want in the band and people will lap it up or make
it as if it is written in stone. People don’t realize how much I
fun I have doing what I do, and choosing what I want them to believe,
or how to react or where to look... Very few people really understand
what is going anyway, so many jump headfirst into the trap. Confusion
is a weapon.
you tell us a bit about that mythical night in Paris at Le Pulp in
2003, since there are a lot of talk talk talk about it but only a few
were there? And it looked like the ultimate Kickback show!

When On The Prowl came on, I had 4 massive Rae Rae (Tahitian word for TS) shaking their ass and tits around me... I was bleeding from hitting myself with the mic... Just good ole sleazy punk entertainment. I should mention that my friend Gaspar Noe filmed the whole event, he used a night shot and the rendering is not usable. Gaspar being quite a perfectionist, I doubt the video will ever surface anywhere. We'll see, maybe digging through it and making some edit we might come up with something. But it's best like this, there is very few pics of the night too, but those that attended know what they witnessed and have it forever burned in their minds. There were TV screens in the place, and they were playing 'Traces Of Death' back to back the whole time.. The crowd of habitual customers must have been totally lost. The after party was quite lecherous but it's of nobody's business except the different parties involved. The girls from the Pulp were definitely more real than most of the crybabies who called themselves Hardcore and lose it if something gets broken or if someone gets hurt. Here we had drugs, fights, blood, trannies... and they loved it ! No complain at all. Great people ! I remembered at the end of the show handing the busted and full of blood microphone to the owner who told me it was one of their best show ! They took the whole thing like a man ahah... Those girls had balls !
told me some times ago that you were deep into 70s & 80s
underground gay hardcore. What do you have exactly ?
Documentation, pictures, loops, VHS ? Have you found French
material too ? What fascinates you in it, and are you planning
to do something with all this ?
been collecting for quite some years actually. Mostly 70’s and 80’s
stuff yes, but not only. Books, magazines, videos... Everything I can
get my hands on really, it’s so scarce and expensive too.
Especially the stuff I am looking for. Of course classics like NYC INFERNO, BORN TO RAISE HELL or THE FRED HALSTED movies for example
are well known and gives you a glimpse into the harder side. But
there is a lesser known underbelly that pulls no punches and is
pretty vile minded. CHRISTOPHER RAGE's movies definitely, almost
experimental in their approach, the music being more than often weird
electronics bordering on industrial, the situations, the characters
all setting a very dark tone that really sets them apart from
anything I’ve seen before. MY MASTERS, BROWN MASS... the latter one
having a guy recalling how him and his friend sneak up in a Zoo in
san Francisco at night, where they bulldozed all the animals shit
together in a huge pile, and how they get naked and go to play in the
steaming heap of excrements. BIZARRE released by Live Video Inc comes
to mind too. It features SCOTT TAYLOR, an odd character, who mostly
did solo videos where he sucks his own dick or finger fuck his piss
hole who happens to be cut in half. The guy was quite a mystery,
there's very few infos about him anywhere I found a book which have
some sparse insights about him and it mostly reinforce his atypical
persona, one that sparked my attention, is that he was known to
participate in Creepy Crawling (going into apartment when people are
not there and steal insignificant objects and / or move furniture
around). He died of AIDS in 1994. The SLAVE & MASTER videos, are
essential viewings. They were made by Steven Toushin, the owner of
the Bijou Theatre in Chicago, the oldest gay theatre / sex club in
the US. The often featured The Skulls, a leather gang of S/M Bikers
from Ohio taking parts in all kinds of rough and brutal sex acts,
from fisting to genitorture etc ... The infamous segment THE ANALBIRTH OF BERT that made the round in some underground video mixtapes
in the 90s comes from a Slave & Master flick called TERRIBLE
TRILOGY. They made some pretty intense scat films too, ''YOU SAID A
MOUTHFUL'' featuring Mistress Ann comes highly recommended. It ended
up in this huge obscenity trial in the 90’s. There's a book about
worth mentioning too that they even shot a movie inside the legendary
Mineshaft in New York. Speaking of NY, anyone interested in old NYC
cruising testimonies should read TIMES SQUARE RED, TIMES SQUARE BLUE
and DIARY OF A DIRTY BOY by Miguel Fuentes. There were some amazing
magazines also, like MR SM, TOY from Sweden... BOYD MCDONALD’S STH
( STRAIGHT TO HELL) magazine from America is mandatory reading. Very
bold content with a total unadulterated libertine attitude. There’s
a biography coming out soon about BOYD MCDONALDS, written by WILLIAM
E JONES. WIILIAM E JONES is responsible for TEAROOM TRADE, a 56
minutes long document of Police footage of a crackdown on public sex
in restrooms in the 60s. It's available in its integrality on
Youtube. The book of the same name by LAUD HUMPHREYS is also a
recommended reading. Art was also the cradle of many amazing pieces
on tendentious subjects. Filth purveyors like MARTIN OF HOLLAND,
BASTILLE, REXWERK dealt with their obsessions, battling censorship,
jail to give form to their obsessions and paraphilias, shit, piss,
blood, bestiality... the result is an uncompromising Sadean body of
work that has still not being fully equaled. The late GREASETANK was
great too, although more recent. But even if very modern in his
approach (computer generated images) the mean spirit of the old days
is totally present in his drawings. Sex and Violence, the torture of
the other for sexual gratification, Schadenfreunde. The content being
truly offensive and very very un-pc to say the least, fetishization
of redneck violence, frequent use of Nazi iconography, etc all this
and more can be found throughout his brutally Sexual art. His website
used to host many artists with a variety of styles too from all over
the world. It is now unfortunately closed. France had quite an
interesting scene but it’s unfortunately not that much documented.
But as usual, if you know where to go and where to look... The Keller
is a very important place. It is known for having being the host of
some of the filthiest scat party, all that in the center of le gay
Paris I had some very nice discussions with Robert owner of the
Keller, that ranged from his visit to torture museums to how the
charge of the cossacks were sexually charged, all kinds of uncommon
perversions etc... It's pretty clear where the focus was, and what
their interests were... As for now I am just gathering all the
material, infos I can for personal use, and who knows, maybe it will
come out in one form or another. In this era of gay marriage and
adoption, with the gay community mimicking the heterosexual way of
life and their family values, it might be the right time to celebrate
those true masters of deviance and depravation and give them the
proper homage they deserve.
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Eros & Thanatos in Paris. First steps of the interview |
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