Full Force Frank - Interview (2012)

Back in the late 80s and early 90s, Full Force Frank made some noise in the underground scene with his notorious murder-obsessed xeroxed fanzines called Singin’ Dose Anti Psychotic Blues and Livin’ In A Powder Keg And Givin’ Off Sparks . Adam Parfrey, owner of Feral House publishing, even decided to interview him for the second edition of his cult book Apocalypse Culture . « Frank, talk from a psychopath ». An insane man expressing his obsession towards violence, particularly mass murders, and women’s feet. At the time, a copy of his fanzine could even be traded against a pair of used women’s heels. There had been much speculations over his identity throughout the years, who can be hiding behind this mysterious figure? We don’t know much about him. According to Parfrey, Frank is a Brooklyn loner psycho, who was mentally, physically and sexually abused as a child. He grew up with a mind filled with anger and hate, not capable of any emotion....